NTU Chinese TrueType Fonts ===========================Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 14:18:18 CSTFrom: Lin YawJen HISTORY======I had written a program to convert fonts from large bitmap into TrueTypefor MS-Windows. For Mac, see ifcss.org:/software/fonts/mac/ the bitmaps came from DYNAFONT (Hua2 Kang1) and ETen.. This is the critical point of this product. Font styles includes: kai: 楷書 br: 粗圓 fs_m: 仿宋常用 li_m:隸書常用 mb: 中黑 mm:中明 mr:中圓 tw: 極細REGISTRATION============There is no registration process.The r1506015@ccms.ntu.edu.tw account is no longer in use. See below for contact info.INSTALLATION============arj x -v -y ntu_fs_m will unarj ntu_fs_m.{arj,a01,a02}Replace fs_m for other font stylesRun Chinese Windows 3.1, BIG5 versionChoose "主控台" -> "字型" -> "新增"I don't know how to install MAC version. UPCOMING========I had another program which converts from METAFONT descripts intoTrueType and converted some fonts last year unannounced. When I have some free time in April, I will upload them into internet.COPYRIGHT=========These fonts are created by Mr. Lin Yaw-JenAll Right reserved.These fonts must not be used for any commercial activities. Lab of OA Network Home: 4F, No. 12-2 Alley 2 Lane 250Department of Computer Science and Sec 5 Nanking East Rd. Information Engineering Taipei Taiwan R.O.C National Taiwan University Tel: 886-2-7641236 Taipei Taiwan R.O.C Fax: 886-2-760184 Email: f1506015@csman.csie.ntu.edu.tw If you have any question about these fonts, please e-mail to:Lin Y.J.: f1506015@csman.csie.ntu.edu.twAlbert Tsai: yhtsai@ccms.ntu.edu.twOTHER FONT INFO ===============From: Tzao-Lin Lee 1. Those fonts were derivatives of our "bitmap to TrueType" program. That means there are for reference only and can not be distributed by themselves. In order to use them legally (at least in Taiwan) you have to have either DynaFont card or ETen font card (or both to get all nine fonts). And you can use the above program to "produce" them.2. You can reach DynaFont Lab at 886-2-717-1518 and Eten at 886-2-578-2828 for their products. However DynaFont Lab had already released several TrueType fonts (the system TrueType font supplied with CWIN is produced by DynaFont Lab). Also there are at least a couple of font suppliers in addition to DynaFont Lab and ETen. Some of them provide very inexpensive yet good enough TrueType fonts (also they provide some tools to convert DBCS TrueType to SBCS TrueType so you can use the font in English Windows 3.1). 3. As for our program mentioned above, we are still working on related projects. It will be some time before we can furnish a workable version to the public domain. However we will let you have it as soon as we have done so (my estimate will be at least two months from now). Tzao-Lin Lee