
R-IRanges - Low-level containers for storing sets of integer ranges

Website: http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.4/bioc/html/IRanges.html
License: Artistic 2.0 and Copyright only
Vendor: Fedora Project
The IRanges class and its extensions are low-level containers
for storing sets of integer ranges. A typical use of these containers
in biology is for representing a set of chromosome regions.
More specific extensions of the IRanges class will typically
allow the storage of additional information attached to each
chromosome region as well as a hierarchical relationship between
these regions.


R-IRanges-1.1.55-1.fc11.x86_64 [969 KiB] Changelog by pingou (2009-04-01):
- New release from bioconductor 2.4 which includes the change in
 the description file for the license used
- Update the license to its correct format

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