
abrt-libs - Libraries for abrt

Website: https://fedorahosted.org/crash-catcher/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Libraries for abrt.


abrt-libs-0.0.3-1.fc11.x86_64 [89 KiB] Changelog by Jiri Moskovcak (2009-04-10):
- new version
- added bz plugin
- minor fix in reporter gui
- Configurable max size of debugdump storage rhbz#490889
- Wrap lines in report to keep the window sane sized
- Fixed gui for new daemon API
- removed unneeded code
- removed dependency on args
- new guuid hash creating
- fixed local UUID
- fixed debuginfo-install checks
- renamed MW library
- Added notification thru libnotify
- fixed parsing settings of action plugins
- added support for action plugins
- kerneloops - plugin: fail gracefully.
- Added commlayer to make dbus optional
- a lot of kerneloops fixes
- new approach for getting debuginfos and backtraces
- fixed unlocking of a debugdump
- replaced language and application plugins by analyzer plugin
- more excetpion handling
- conf file isn't needed
- Plugin's configuration file is optional
- Add curl dependency
- Added column 'user' to the gui
- Gui: set the newest entry as active (ticket#23)
- Delete and Report button are no longer active if no entry is selected (ticket#41)
- Gui refreshes silently (ticket#36)
- Added error reporting over dbus to daemon, error handling in gui, about dialog
abrt-libs-0.0.3-1.fc11.i586 [87 KiB] Changelog by Jiri Moskovcak (2009-04-10):
- new version
- added bz plugin
- minor fix in reporter gui
- Configurable max size of debugdump storage rhbz#490889
- Wrap lines in report to keep the window sane sized
- Fixed gui for new daemon API
- removed unneeded code
- removed dependency on args
- new guuid hash creating
- fixed local UUID
- fixed debuginfo-install checks
- renamed MW library
- Added notification thru libnotify
- fixed parsing settings of action plugins
- added support for action plugins
- kerneloops - plugin: fail gracefully.
- Added commlayer to make dbus optional
- a lot of kerneloops fixes
- new approach for getting debuginfos and backtraces
- fixed unlocking of a debugdump
- replaced language and application plugins by analyzer plugin
- more excetpion handling
- conf file isn't needed
- Plugin's configuration file is optional
- Add curl dependency
- Added column 'user' to the gui
- Gui: set the newest entry as active (ticket#23)
- Delete and Report button are no longer active if no entry is selected (ticket#41)
- Gui refreshes silently (ticket#36)
- Added error reporting over dbus to daemon, error handling in gui, about dialog

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11