
arm4 - Application Response Measurement V4.0

Website: http://www.arm4.org/
License: EPL
Vendor: Fedora Project
An Open Source implementation of the Open Group's
Application Response Measurement (ARM) standard
version 4.0. The ARM agent allows you to measure
response times for related transactions across
multiple tiers in a distributed environment.


arm4-0.8.1-0.7.fc11.x86_64 [209 KiB] Changelog by David Carter (2009-04-03):
- Missing jni.h caused build issues with F-11 F-12
arm4-0.8.1-0.7.fc11.i586 [216 KiB] Changelog by David Carter (2009-04-03):
- Missing jni.h caused build issues with F-11 F-12

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11