
cryptopp - Public domain C++ class library of cryptographic schemes

Website: http://www.cryptopp.com/
License: Public Domain
Vendor: Fedora Project
Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
See http://www.cryptopp.com/ for a list of supported algorithms.

One purpose of Crypto++ is to act as a repository of public domain
(not copyrighted) source code. Although the library is copyrighted as a
compilation, the individual files in it (except for a few exceptions listed
in the license) are in the public domain.

The MARS implementation may be subjected to patents, therefore it has been
removed from this package.


cryptopp-5.6.0-1.fc11.x86_64 [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Aurelien Bompard (2009-03-15):
- version 5.6.0
- rediff patches
cryptopp-5.6.0-1.fc11.i586 [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Aurelien Bompard (2009-03-15):
- version 5.6.0
- rediff patches

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11