
debugmode - Scripts for running in debugging mode

Website: http://fedorahosted.org/releases/i/n/initscripts/
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The debugmode package contains some basic scripts that are used to run
the system in a debugging mode.

Currently, this consists of various memory checking code.


debugmode-8.95-1.x86_64 [102 KiB] Changelog by Bill Nottingham (2009-05-01):
- don't kill runlevel events on subsequent entering of the same runlevel (#498514)
- lang.*sh: handle spaces in $HOME (#498482)
- network-functions: explicitly source from the proper directory. (#496233)
- remove persistent names on sys-unconfig. (#448322)
- init.d/functions: cgexec has moved to /bin (#495715)
- allow changing of VLAN type even if the module is already loaded. (#495053, <pietro@bertera.it>)
- translation updates: fr, ml, pt

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