
edb - A debugger based on the ptrace API and Qt4

Website: http://www.codef00.com/projects.php#Debugger
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
edb a debugger based on the ptrace API.

One of the main goals of this debugger is modularity.
The interface is written in Qt4 and thus source portable to many platforms.
The debugger core is a plugin and the platform specific code is isolated
to just a few files, porting to a new OS would require porting these few
files and implementing a plugin which implements the
DebuggerCoreInterface interface. Also, because the plugins are based
on the QPlugin API, and do their work through the DebuggerCoreInterface
object, they are almost always portable with just a simple recompile.


edb-0.9.8-1.fc11.x86_64 [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Nicoleau Fabien (2009-04-04):
- Rebuild for 0.9.8

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11