
festival-devel - Development files for the Festival speech synthesis system

Website: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/
License: MIT and GPL+ and TCL
Vendor: Fedora Project
Development files for the Festival speech synthesis system. Install
festival-devel if you want to use Festival's capabilities from within your
own programs, or if you intend to compile other programs using it. Note that
you can also interface with Festival in via the shell or with BSD sockets.


festival-devel-1.96-11.fc11.x86_64 [28 KiB] Changelog by Jesse Keating (2009-03-24):
- Drop the explicit dep on festival-voice, as it is redundant and
  causes problems with multiple providers
festival-devel-1.96-11.fc11.i586 [28 KiB] Changelog by Jesse Keating (2009-03-24):
- Drop the explicit dep on festival-voice, as it is redundant and
  causes problems with multiple providers

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11