
florence - Extensible scalable on-screen virtual keyboard for GNOME

Website: http://florence.sourceforge.net
License: GPLv2+ and GFDL
Vendor: Fedora Project
Florence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard for GNOME.
You need it if you can't use a real hardware keyboard, for
example because you are disabled, your keyboard is broken or
because you use a tablet PC, but you must be able to use a pointing
device (as a mouse, a trackball or a touchscreen).

Florence stays out of your way when you don't need it:
it appears on the screen only when you need it.
A Timer-based auto-click functionality is available
to help disabled people having difficulties to click.


florence-0.4.0-1.fc11.x86_64 [388 KiB] Changelog by Simon Wesp (2009-03-23):
- New upstream release

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