
fuse-encfs - Encrypted pass-thru filesystem in userspace

Website: http://www.arg0.net/encfs
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
EncFS implements an encrypted filesystem in userspace using FUSE.  FUSE
provides a Linux kernel module which allows virtual filesystems to be written
in userspace.  EncFS encrypts all data and filenames in the filesystem and
passes access through to the underlying filesystem.  Similar to CFS except that
it does not use NFS.


fuse-encfs-1.5-6.fc11.i586 [385 KiB] Changelog by Caolán McNamara (2009-03-03):
- constify ret of strchr(const char*)
fuse-encfs-1.5-6.fc11.x86_64 [389 KiB] Changelog by Caolán McNamara (2009-03-03):
- constify ret of strchr(const char*)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11