
hatari - An Atari ST emulator suitable for playing games

Website: http://hatari.berlios.de/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Hatari is an emulator for the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon computers.
More precisely, it is an adaption of the WinSTon source code to
Linux, using the UAE CPU core instead of the original, non-portable
assembler CPU core.

The Atari ST was a 16/32 bit computer system which was first released
by Atari in 1985. Using the Motorola 68000 CPU, it was a very popular
computer having quite a lot of CPU power at that time.

Unlike many other Atari ST emulators which try to give you a good
environment for running GEM applications, Hatari tries to emulate the
hardware of a ST as close as possible so that it is able to run most
of the old ST games and demos.


hatari-1.2.0-2.fc11.x86_64 [963 KiB] Changelog by Fedora Release Engineering (2009-02-24):
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11