
incollector - Information collector

Website: http://www.incollector.devnull.pl/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Incollector is an application to collect various kinds of information
(like notes, conversation logs, quotes, serial numbers, source code,
web addresses, words). All the entries can be tagged, so you can find
them very easily. There are also search folders which allows you to
search for entries by specified criteria. You can also export
(and import, of course) entries to an external file.


incollector-1.0-8.fc11.x86_64 [264 KiB] Changelog by Milos Jakubicek (2009-04-28):
- Fix FTBFS: added incollector-mono.patch.
- Added explicit R: mono-core (resolves BZ#469602).

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