
libcgroup - Tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups

Website: http://libcg.sourceforge.net/
License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Control groups infrastructure. The tools and library help manipulate, control,
administrate and monitor control groups and the associated controllers.


libcgroup-0.33-3.fc11.i586 [73 KiB] Changelog by Dhaval Giani (2009-03-09):
- Change the cgconfig script to start earlier
- Move the binaries to /bin and /sbin
libcgroup-0.33-3.fc11.x86_64 [75 KiB] Changelog by Dhaval Giani (2009-03-09):
- Change the cgconfig script to start earlier
- Move the binaries to /bin and /sbin

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11