
libpolyxmass - Polymer chemistry-related functionalities

Website: http://www.polyxmass.org
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
libpolyxmass is a library that implements some housekeeping
functionalities and polymer chemistry-related functionalities that are
used in the other modules of the GNU polyxmass mass spectrometry
framework. It was born as the merge of the two libpxmutils and
libpxmchem libraries (last versions of these two libraries were for
both 0.7.0). This fact is still visible as the files do have either
"pxmutils-" or "pxmchem-" as prefix in their name. This nomenclature
is going to be maintained as it helps understanding the
functionalities that are housed in the different files of the new


libpolyxmass-0.9.1-4.fc11.i586 [163 KiB] Changelog by Robert Scheck (2009-03-03):
- Rebuilt against libtool 2.2
libpolyxmass-0.9.1-4.fc11.x86_64 [172 KiB] Changelog by Robert Scheck (2009-03-03):
- Rebuilt against libtool 2.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11