
libpst-devel - Library links and header files for libpst application development

Website: http://www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The libpst-devel package contains the library links and header files
you'll need to develop applications using the libpst shared library.
You do not need to install it if you just want to use the libpst


libpst-devel-0.6.36-1.fc11.i586 [15 KiB] Changelog by Carl Byington (2009-04-14):
- build separate -doc and -devel-doc subpackages.
- other spec file cleanup
libpst-devel-0.6.36-1.fc11.x86_64 [15 KiB] Changelog by Carl Byington (2009-04-14):
- build separate -doc and -devel-doc subpackages.
- other spec file cleanup

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11