
lksctp-tools-devel - Development files for lksctp-tools

Website: http://lksctp.sourceforge.net
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and MIT
Vendor: Fedora Project
Development files for lksctp-tools which include man pages, header files,
static libraries, symlinks to dynamic libraries and some tutorial source code.


lksctp-tools-devel-1.0.10-1.fc11.x86_64 [59 KiB] Changelog by Zdenek Prikryl (2009-04-14):
- added release tag to Requires of devel and doc packages (#492531)
- Update to 1.0.10
lksctp-tools-devel-1.0.10-1.fc11.i586 [59 KiB] Changelog by Zdenek Prikryl (2009-04-14):
- added release tag to Requires of devel and doc packages (#492531)
- Update to 1.0.10

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11