
moe - A powerful clean text editor

Website: http://www.gnu.org/software/moe/moe.html
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
GNU Moe is a powerful, 8-bit clean, text editor for ISO-8859 and ASCII
character encodings. It has a modeless, user-friendly interface, online
help, multiple windows, unlimited undo/redo capability, unlimited line
length, global search/replace (on all buffers at once), block operations,
automatic indentation, word wrapping, filename completion, directory
browser, duplicate removal from prompt histories, delimiter matching, etc.


moe-1.0-5.fc11.x86_64 [129 KiB] Changelog by Debarshi Ray (2009-04-19):
- Fixed configure to respect the environment's CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS settings.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11