
ocaml-p3l - OCaml compiler for parallel programs

Website: http://camlp3l.inria.fr/
License: LGPLv2+ with exceptions
Vendor: Fedora Project
OCamlP3l is a compiler for Caml parallel programs.

The OCamlP3l programming paradigm is skeleton programming. The
skeletons encapsulate basic parallel programming patterns in a well
understood and structured approach. Based on P3L, the Pisa Parallel
Programming Language, OCamlP3l skeleton algebra is embedded in a
full-fledged functional programming language, namely Objective Caml.

The skeleton programming approach used in OCamlP3l allows three
different operational interpretations of the same source program:

* the sequential interpretation which is deterministic, hence easy
  to understand and debug,
* the parallel interpretation using a network of computing nodes
  run in parallel to speed up the computation,
* the graphical interpretation, which is run to obtain a drawing
  of the parallel computing network deployed at run-time by the
  parallel interpretation.


ocaml-p3l-2.03-2.fc11.x86_64 [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Richard W.M. Jones (2009-03-16):
- Don't duplicate the LICENSE and README.Fedora files.

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