
ocaml-reins - Library of OCaml persistent data structures

Website: http://ocaml-reins.sourceforge.net/
License: LGPLv2 with exceptions
Vendor: Fedora Project
Reins is a collection of persistent data structures for OCaml.

In addition to providing a large collection of data structures, the
O'Caml Reins project also includes several features that I hope will
make developing O'Caml applications easier such as a random testing
framework and a collection of "standard" modules.

Current features:

* List data types:
   o Single linked lists (compatible with the standard library type)
   o O(1) catenable lists
   o Acyclic double linked lists
   o Random access lists with O(1) hd/cons/tl and O(log i) lookup/update
     for i'th element
* Double ended queues
* Sets/Maps:
   o AVL
   o Red/Black
   o Big-endian Patricia
   o Splay
* Heaps:
   o Binomial
   o Skew Binomial
* Zipper style cursor interfaces
* Persistent, bi-directional cursor based iterators (currently only
  for lists and sets)
* All standard types hoisted into the module level (Int, Bool, etc...)
* A collection of functor combinators to minimize boilerplate (e.g.,
  constructing compare or to_string functions)
* Quickcheck testing framework
   o Each structure provides a gen function that can generate a random
     instance of itself
* Completely safe code. No -unsafe or references to Obj.*
* Consistent function signatures. For instance, all fold functions take
  the accumulator in the same position.
* All operations use no more than O(log n) stack space (except for a
  few operations on splay trees which currently have O(log n) expected
  time, but O(n) worst case)


ocaml-reins-0.1a-4.fc11.x86_64 [777 KiB] Changelog by Fedora Release Engineering (2009-02-25):
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11