
openvrml-gl-devel - OpenVRML OpenGL renderer headers

Website: http://openvrml.org
License: LGPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Headers that programmers will need to develop C++ programs using the
OpenVRML OpenGL renderer.


openvrml-gl-devel-0.17.12-1.fc11.i586 [188 KiB] Changelog by Braden McDaniel (2009-03-23):
- Updated to 0.17.12.
- Only build with _smp_mflags if the machine has at least 4 GB of RAM.
openvrml-gl-devel-0.17.12-1.fc11.x86_64 [188 KiB] Changelog by Braden McDaniel (2009-03-23):
- Updated to 0.17.12.
- Only build with _smp_mflags if the machine has at least 4 GB of RAM.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11