
pymol - PyMOL Molecular Graphics System

Website: http://www.pymol.org
License: MIT and BSD and ZPLv2.0 and Bitstream Vera and OFL
Vendor: Fedora Project
PyMOL is a molecular graphics system with an embedded Python
interpreter designed for real-time visualization and rapid generation
of high-quality molecular graphics images and animations. It is fully
extensible and available free to everyone via the "Python"
license. Although a newcomer to the field, PyMOL can already be used
to generate stunning images and animations with ease. It can also
perform many other valuable tasks (such as editing PDB files) to
assist you in your research.


pymol-1.2-3.20090408svn3694.fc11.x86_64 [5.2 MiB] Changelog by Tim Fenn (2009-04-08):
- update to 1.2beta5, aka SVN 3694

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