
qpidc-devel - Header files and documentation for developing Qpid C++ clients

Website: http://qpid.apache.org
License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Fedora Project
Libraries, header files and documentation for developing AMQP clients
in C++ using Qpid.  Qpid implements the AMQP messaging specification.


qpidc-devel-0.5.752600-5.fc11.i586 [267 KiB] Changelog by Michael Schwendt (2009-04-01):
- Fix unowned examples directory in -devel pkg.
qpidc-devel-0.5.752600-5.fc11.x86_64 [267 KiB] Changelog by Michael Schwendt (2009-04-01):
- Fix unowned examples directory in -devel pkg.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11