
rumor - Really Unintelligent Music transcriptOR

Website: http://www.volny.cz/smilauer/rumor/rumor.html
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
Rumor is a realtime monophonic (with chords) MIDI keyboard to Lilypond
converter. It receives MIDI events, quantizes them according to its metronome
on the fly and outputs handwritten-like corresponding Lilypond notation. Tempo,
meter, key and other parameters can be set via command-line options.


rumor-1.0.3b-2.fc11.x86_64 [63 KiB] Changelog by Orcan Ogetbil (2009-03-21):
- Remove -O0 flag altogether instead of replacing with -O2
- Fix mixed usage of tabs&spaces

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