
skyviewer - Program to display HEALPix-based skymaps in FITS files

Website: http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/tb_skyviewer_ov.cfm
License: Public Domain
Vendor: Fedora Project
SkyViewer is an OpenGL based program to display HEALPix-based skymaps,
saved in FITS format files. The loaded skymaps can be viewed either on a 3D
sphere or as a Mollweide projection. In either case, realtime panning and
zooming are supported, along with rotations for the 3D sphere view,
assuming you have a strong enough graphics card.


skyviewer-1.0.0-2.fc11.x86_64 [268 KiB] Changelog by Lubomir Rintel (Fedora Astronomy) (2009-04-09):
- Update license
- Fix RBs (Jussi Lehtola)
- Add documentation

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11