
vamp-plugin-sdk - An API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins

Website: http://www.vamp-plugins.org/
License: BSD
Vendor: Fedora Project
Vamp is an API for C and C++ plugins that process sampled audio data
to produce descriptive output (measurements or semantic observations).


vamp-plugin-sdk-2.0-5.fc11.i586 [221 KiB] Changelog by Michael Schwendt (2009-03-31):
- Add another sed libdir fix for PluginLoader.cpp (#469777)
  plus a check section to scan for libdir issues
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.0-5.fc11.x86_64 [224 KiB] Changelog by Michael Schwendt (2009-03-31):
- Add another sed libdir fix for PluginLoader.cpp (#469777)
  plus a check section to scan for libdir issues

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11