How to use WeirdX ==================================================================== Last modified: Thu Apr 15 07:13:21 UTC 2004 * SUPPORTED PLATFORMS * REQUIREMENTS * OPTIONAL * USAGE * USAGE AS AN APPLET * WeirdX runs without Swing! * XDMCP * Copy/Paste * Multibyte Characters * Keyboard * SSH2 X11 Forwarding in Java * Hacks for the Alpha Transparency * EsounD Support * DXPC Support * XJS Extension for WeirdX * PROPERTIES SUPPORTED PLATFORMS =================== WeirdX is implemented with JDK 1.1.*. So, WeirdX will be available on any platform, which support JDK 1.1. Here, we list supported platforms, which we have confirmed already. If you succeed to run WeirdX on other platform, please add it to this list. - Windows 95 - Windows 98 - Windows NT - Windows 2000 Professional using JDK 1.3.0rc1 (feedback from Schult, John) - OS/2, J2SE 1.3 (feeback from Dan Nimick) - Sparc Solaris, Netscape4.72&Java2 Plug-in (feedback from Chris Debenham) - Intel Solaris 2.6.0 - Intel GNU/Linux, J2SE v.1.2.2 (feedback from David Golden) - FreeBSD (feedback from Brian Gilman) - Alpha OSF1, J2SDK.v.1.2.1 (feedback from Keith Schincke) - MacOS X Beta, Java HotSpot Client 1.3 (feedback from Ryan Calder) - MacOS 9 with MRJ 2.1.4, MacOS 8.6 with MRJ 2.1.x (feedback from Tarun Reddy, Eric Albert) REQUIREMENTS ============ The following softwares are required to use WeirdX. - JDK 1.1.*(in some case, Swing 1.1.*) or Java2 WeirdX runs without the Swing API and, in a optional mode, it runs with the Swing API. For the difference between them, please refer to the section 'WeirdX runs without Swing!'. OPTIONAL ======== WeirdX is also usable as an Java applet; WeirdX will run in a web browser, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator. If you try WeirdX on Windows 95/98, we recommend to run WeirdX in a web browser. If you run WeirdX as an application on DOS prompt, it will run very slowly. - web browser. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Don't use Java2 plug-in on Opera. Opera will crash. USAGE ===== Before using WeirdX, check CLASSPATH includes swingall.jar in Swing 1.1.* and current directory. Then type, javac -O com/jcraft/weirdx/*.java com/jcraft/util/*.java # In this distribution, *.class files has been included, # so you can skip this step. java com.jcraft.weirdx.WeirdX or cd misc java -jar weirdx.jar If 'config/props' exists, property settings in that file will be loaded. If you want to over write those propety settings, just edit that file or give options to java command. For example, java -Dweirdx.displaynum=3 -Dweirdx.jesd=yes -jar weirdx.jar If everything goes well automagically, one window will be opened on your desktop. This is an X Window System server. In default setting, WeirdX will use display-name ':2.0' . To run x clients on WeirdX, just specify '-display' option. Suppose that WeirdX are running on some machine, named "foo", and you have Un*x machine, named "bar". Try next command on machine "bar" xlogo -display foo:2.0 "misc" directory has some scripts for executing WeirdX easily. At present, scripts for Unix, Windows and OS/2 are located. USAGE AS AN APPLET ================== Copy "misc/weirdx.jar" and "misc/weirdx.html" to some directory, which is accessible through a http server, then open weirdx.html with a web browser via a http server. If everything goes well, WeirdX will start in your web browser. In default setting, WeirdX use display-name ':2.0' . If you have Java Plug-in, try 'weirdx-JRE12.html'. In some situations, JVM may throw the Security Exception. WeirdX must gain access to TCP port(6002) and JVM may reject to do so. WeirdX runs without Swing! ========================== Since 1.0.16, WeirdX runs without the Swing API. # This improvement has been done by Marcus Schiesser. This new version has advantages over previous versions, which had used Swing API, in that, needless to say, it can run on web browser without Java Plug-in and it is free from the snail Swing's painting system. The disadvantage is that you will observe unnecessary re-paintings on the Swing free version. In other words, WeirdX had used the Swing API to prevent those re-paintings. If you want to use Swing version, set a property 'weirdx.ddxwindow' as 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwing' . XDMCP ===== WeirdX supports XDMCP. If you want to use this functionality, specify properties, 'weirdx.xdmcp.mode' and 'weirdx.xdmcp.address' appropriately. In current implementation, 'indirect query' has not been supported. And this functionality can be used as a stand alone program, so it will be useful for X Window System users, whose X server does not support XDMCP. Try, java com.jcraft.weirdx.XDMCP -query somewhere -display display-name or java com.jcraft.weirdx.XDMCP -broadcast somewhere -display display-name If everything goes well, xdm will open a login-window on your X server. After you get a login-window, please kill the above java process as soon as possible. Caution: At present, any authorization mechanism has not been implemented. So please use this functionality with your own risk. Copy/Paste ========== Copy/paste operations between the native window system and WeirdX(CUT_BUFFER0) has been supported. For example, you can copy/paste strings on 'xterm', which runs on WeirdX, to 'notepad' on Windows98. At present, 'selection' has not been supported. So you can't copy strings on TextField widgets of GTK,Motif to apps on Windows98. However, 'xcutsel' will help you. Multibyte Characters ==================== WeirdX supports to display multibyte characters on the internationalized JRE. If you need to display Japanese, Korean and Chinese characters on Weirdx, try weirdx.display.charset=JISX,KSC5601,GB2312 At present, WeirdX supports Japanese, Korean and Chinese characters, but only Japanese characters have been confirmed to be handled correctly. If you succeeded or failed to display others, please write us. Keyboard ======== In default settings, WeirdX supposes that key events are from US layout keyboard. If your keyboard is other layout one, you can change internal keymap definitions by setting a property 'weirdx.display.keymap'. If your keyboard is for U.K., try weirdx.display.keymap=gb At present, WeirdX supports gb(U.K. layout keyboard), de. If you are using other keyborad, for example, jp106. Please try 'misc/keymap/'. It is a perl script and generates java files for supporting your keyboard. Please refer to 'misc/keymap/HOWTO'for its usage. SSH2 X11 Forwarding in Java =========================== WeirdX allows you to get secure X accesses by X11 forwarding of SSH2 in pure Java. This functionality is based on JSch, which is a pure Java implementation of SSH2 and developed by JCraft under revised BSD license. It is available at . To enjoy this functionality, try following steps, 1. Download JSch from . You can get the source code of JSch and also jar file from there. 2. Specify property 'weirdx.sshrexec' as 'yes'. 3. Run WeirdX For example, if you have two jar files, jsch-0.1.14.jar and weirdx-1.0.32.jar, java -Dweirdx.sshrexec=yes \ -cp jsch-0.1.14.jar\;weirdx-1.0.32.jar \ com.jcraft.weirdx.WeirdX 4. A dialog window for rexec on ssh will be appeared. Please note that your JVM must be J2SE v1.4 or higher to use this functionality to enable this functionality. And also the souce code for this functionaly is named as 'com/jcraft/weirdx/SSHRexec.jav', so you have to rename it as 'com/jcraft/weirdx/' to compile it. Hacks for the Alpha Transparency ================================ Two hacks for the alpha transparency have been added. * First hack renders backgrounds of every windows, which have pixel background value, with alpha compositions. For example, if you set a property 'weirdx.ddxwindow' as 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwingAlphaBackground', a property 'weirdx.display.background.alpha' as '0xff0000:0x20' and run 'xterm -bg red', the background of xterm will be rendered as '0x20ff0000'. * Second hack renders contents of windows with alpha compositions. This hack is based on Java2D, so J2SE 1.2.* or higher are required. To enable this hack, set a property 'weirdx.ddxwindow' as 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwingAlphaBackground2D' . Please note those hacks are just for the fun, not for the practical use and they will be useful for surprising your friends. EsounD Support ============== You can run EsounD compatible applications on WeirdX with JEsd. JEsd is a re-implementation of EsounD in pure Java and has been developed by JCraft. Please note that your JVM must be J2SE v1.3 or higher to use this functionality. To enable this functionality, try following steps, 1. Download a jesd archive from , extract class files from it and then make these class files to be accessible through the CLASSPATH by WeirdX. 2. Specify property 'weirdx.jesd' as 'yes'. 3. Run WeirdX. 4. On the remote host, try next command, $ esdcat -s 'hostname where WeirdX is running' 'filename of WAV file' Try other EsounD compatible apps, mpg123, gqmpeg and xmms. DXPC Support ============ The dxpc(Differential X Protocol Compressor) is an X protocol compressor designed to improve the speed of X applications run over low-bandwidth links (such as dialup PPP connections). WeirdX can accept connections via dxpc from X clients with the assistance of JDxpc. JDxpc is a re-implementation of dxpc in pure Java and it has been developed by JCraft under LGPL. It is available at . To enable this functionality, try following steps, 1. Download a JDxpc archive from , extract class files from it and then make these class files to be accessible through the CLASSPATH by WeirdX. 2. Specify property 'weirdx.jdxpc' as 'yes'. 3. Run WeirdX. 4. On the remote host, try next command, $ dxpc -w 'hostname where WeirdX is running' $ export DISPLAY=localhost:8.0 $ xlogo Please note that dxpc must be version 3.7.0 and it is downloadable from . Of course, you can use JDxpc instead of using dxpc on remote host. If you need to change the communication port number(by default, 4000) between dxpc client and server proxies, specify the appropriate number to the property 'weirdx.jdxpcport'. (To use this property, JDxpc 0.0.6 or higher is required). XJS Extension for WeirdX ======================== Now, XJS Extension for WeirdX has been included. It is contributed by Christian Werner and enable you to use the JavaScriptTM engine from X clients. For further descriptions, please check 'misc/xjs/README'. PROPERTIES ========== WeirdX has some properties as below, * weirdx.display.width: numeral Width of root window. If you don't specify this property, the property "WIDTH" will be used. * weirdx.display.height: numeral Height of root window. If you don't specify this property, the property "HEIGHT" will be used. * weirdx.displaynum: numeral default: 2 If you specify "3", display-name, "hostname:3.0" will be used. * weirdx.ddxwindow: class name default: com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImp Give a class name, which implements com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindow interface. If you have the Swing, specify 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwing' . At present, 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImp', 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwing', 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwingAlphaBackground' and 'com.jcraft.weirdx.DDXWindowImpSwingAlphaBackground2D' are acceptable. * weirdx.windowmode: InBrowser | Rootless | RootlessWM default: InBrowser If you specify 'Rootless' or 'RootlessWM', each toplevel window, whose parent is root window, will have its own window frame. In the 'RootlessWM' mode, you don't have to run X window manager and title bars will be attached to X apps by the native window system. * weirdx.display.visual: TrueColor16 | PseudoColor8 | StaticGray8 default: PseudoColor8 If 'PseudoColor8' is specified, 256 colors are used. On the other hand, in specifying 'StaticGray8', 256 gray scaled colors will be used. * weirdx.display.acl: [+hostname[,+hostname[,...]]] default: - WeirdX only supports ACL based on hostnames. * weirdx.display.threebutton: yes | no default: no Three button mouse emulation is enabled. * weirdx.display.charset: [charset[,charset[,...]]] Specified charsets will be handled. For Japanese characters, specify 'JISX'. For Korean characters, specify 'KSC5601', and for Chinese characters, specify 'GB2312'. * weirdx.display.keymap: a name of keymap. default: 101 Specified keymap definitions is used. At present, '101', 'gb' and 'de' are acceptable. * weirdx.xdmcp.mode: query | broadcast | no default: no If you require the XDMCP service, specify 'query' or 'broadcast'. * weirdx.xdmcp.address: ip-address Specify a query address or a broadcast address. * weirdx.xrexec: yes | no default: no If you require the rexec service, specify 'yes'. * weirdx.extension: names of extensions. default: DummySHAPE In current implementation, dummy of SHAPE extension is included. If you hate such a hack, leave this property in blank. * weirdx.display.background.alpha: pixel value:alpha value[,pixel:alpha[,...]] default: blank Specify pairs of a background pixel value and an alpha channel value. If you specify '0xff0000:0x20, 0x00ff00:0x80', The background color 'red' will be '0x20ff0000' and the background color 'green' will be '0x8000ff00'. * weirdx.sshrexec: yes | no default: no Specify 'yes' for getting secure X accesses by X11 forwarding of SSH2. For using this functionality, your JVM must be J2SE v1.4 or higher. * weirdx.jesd: yes | no default: no If you need to run EsounD compatible applications, specify 'yes'. For using this functionality, your JVM must be J2SE v1.3 or higher. * weirdx.jdxpc: yes | no default: no If you need to use dxpc, specify 'yes'. * weirdx.jdxpcport: numeral default: 4000 a number of TCP port for communication between dxpc server and client proxies. * weirdx.jdxpc.socket: class-name default: null * weirdx.jdxpc.serverproxy: class-name default: com.jcraft.jdxpc.ServerProxy * weirdx.displaysocket: class name default com.jcraft.weirdx.DisplaySocket6k * weirdx.display.autosize: boolean default: false The size of root window will be assigned according to the size of desktop. This functionality will be useful in Rootless/RootlessWM mode. In running as an application, "config/props" will be referred.