Packages not in Groups

adns-progs - Asynchronous-capable DNS client library - utility programs

DNS utility programs: adns also comes with a number of utility
programs for use from the command line and in scripts:
 - adnslogres is a much faster version of Apache's logresolv program,
 - adnsresfilter is a filter which copies its input to its output,
   replacing IP addresses by the corresponding names, without unduly
   delaying the output. For example, you can usefully pipe the output of
   netstat -n, tcpdump -ln, and the like, into it.
 - adnshost is a general-purpose DNS lookup utility which can be used
   easily in from the command line and from shell scripts to do simple
   lookups. In a more advanced mode it can be used as a general-purpose
   DNS helper program for scripting languages which can invoke and
   communicate with subprocesses.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: adns


Name Version Release Type Size Built
adns-progs 1.1 5 ppc 58 KiB Fri Apr 8 06:20:34 2005


* Thu Apr 7 18:00:00 2005 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt[AT]>
- rebuilt
* Tue Jul 13 18:00:00 2004 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt[AT]> 0:1.1-0.fdr.4
- Add patch2 to make adns recognize ';' in /etc/resolv.conf
  (#1626, Noa Resare).
- Add patch3 to fix bug and fix build on PPC (#1812, Colin Charles).
* Fri Apr 16 18:00:00 2004 Michel Salim <salimma[AT]> 1.1-0.fdr.3
- Builds using automake 1.5, autoconf 2.13; latest automake/autoconf combination fails on FC2

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)