Packages not in Groups

conman - ConMan - The Console Manager

ConMan is a serial console management program designed to support a large
number of console devices and simultaneous users.  It currently supports
local serial devices and remote terminal servers (via the telnet protocol).
Its features include:

  - mapping symbolic names to console devices
  - logging all output from a console device to file
  - supporting monitor (R/O), interactive (R/W), and
    broadcast (W/O) modes of console access
  - allowing clients to join or steal console "write" privileges
  - executing Expect scripts across multiple consoles in parallel
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: conman


Name Version Release Type Size Built
conman 4.fc4 ppc 339 KiB Fri Jul 28 10:03:59 2006


* Fri Jul 28 18:00:00 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson{%}redhat{*}com>
- Add Reqs on chkconfig and service
- Turn on smp_mflags
- Initial build for RHEL5
* Wed Jul 5 18:00:00 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson{%}redhat{*}com>
- Add missing condrestart fuction to initscript
* Tue Jun 27 18:00:00 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson{%}redhat{*}com>
- Don't strip bins on make install, leave for

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