Packages not in Groups

dhcp-forwarder-sysv - SysV initscripts for dhcp-forwarder

dhcp-fwd forwards DHCP messages between subnets with different sublayer
broadcast domains.

This package provides the scripts which can be used to start dhcp-forwarder
with the SysV initconcept.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: dhcp-forwarder


Name Version Release Type Size Built
dhcp-forwarder-sysv 0.7 7.fc4 ppc 1 KiB Wed Jun 8 12:32:15 2005


* Wed Jun 8 18:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 0.7-7
- do not build against dietlibc on non-i386 archs running FC3
- added sanity check for builds with mach
- buildrequire 'which'
* Thu May 19 18:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 0.7-4
- use %dist instead of %disttag
* Sun Mar 6 17:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 0.7-2
- fixed bigendian builds (backported from 0.8)
- s!%define!%global! to workaround bugs in rpm's macro-engine

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)