Packages not in Groups

libnfnetlink-devel - Netfilter netlink userspace library

libnfnetlink is a userspace library that provides some low-level
nfnetlink handling functions.  It is used as a foundation for other, netfilter
subsystem specific libraries such as libnfnetlink_conntrack, libnfnetlink_log
and libnfnetlink_queue.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: libnfnetlink


Name Version Release Type Size Built
libnfnetlink-devel 0.0.14 3.fc4 ppc 11 KiB Sun May 21 12:05:20 2006


* Mon May 8 18:00:00 2006 Paul P Komkoff Jr <i{%}stingr{*}net> - 0.0.14-3
- Include borrowed gpl.txt as LICENSE in %doc
* Sun Mar 26 17:00:00 2006 Paul P Komkoff Jr <i{%}stingr{*}net> - 0.0.14-1
- Preparing for submission to fedora extras

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