Packages not in Groups

mftrace - Utility for converting TeX bitmap fonts to Type 1 or TrueType fonts

mftrace is a small Python program that lets you trace a TeX bitmap
font into a PFA or PFB font (A PostScript Type1 Scalable Font) or TTF
(TrueType) font.

Scalable fonts offer many advantages over bitmaps, as they allow
documents to render correctly at many printer resolutions. Moreover,
Ghostscript can generate much better PDF, if given scalable PostScript
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: mftrace


Name Version Release Type Size Built
mftrace 1.2.4 2.fc4 ppc 92 KiB Sat May 20 03:04:19 2006


* Sat May 20 18:00:00 2006 Quentin Spencer <qspencer{%}users{*}sourceforge{*}net> 1.2.4-2
- Make sure $RPM_OPT_FLAGS are used
* Sat May 13 18:00:00 2006 Quentin Spencer <qspencer{%}users{*}sourceforge{*}net> 1.2.4-1
- New upstream release.
* Tue Apr 25 18:00:00 2006 Quentin Spencer <qspencer{%}users{*}sourceforge{*}net> 1.1.19-3
- Update description

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