Packages not in Groups

perl-IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings

The "IO::String" module provides the "IO::File" interface for in-core
strings.  An "IO::String" object can be attached to a string, and
makes it possible to use the normal file operations for reading or
writing data, as well as for seeking to various locations of the
string.  This is useful when you want to use a library module that
only provides an interface to file handles on data that you have in a
string variable.

Note that perl-5.8 and better has built-in support for "in memory"
files, which are set up by passing a reference instead of a filename
to the open() call. The reason for using this module is that it makes
the code backwards compatible with older versions of Perl.
License:GPL or Artistic Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: perl-IO-String


Name Version Release Type Size Built
perl-IO-String 1.06 2 noarch 18 KiB Sat Apr 9 16:37:44 2005


* Thu Apr 7 18:00:00 2005 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt[AT]>
- rebuilt
* Wed Nov 24 17:00:00 2004 Jose Pedro Oliveira <jpo at> - 0:1.06-1
- Update to 1.06.
* Sun Jul 4 18:00:00 2004 Jose Pedro Oliveira <jpo at> - 0:1.05-0.fdr.1
- First build.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)