Packages not in Groups

q - Equational programming language

Q is a powerful and extensible functional programming language based
on the term rewriting calculus. You specify an arbitrary system of
equations which the interpreter uses as rewrite rules to reduce
expressions to normal form. Q is useful for scientific programming and
other advanced applications, and also as a sophisticated kind of
desktop calculator. The distribution includes the Q programming tools,
a standard library, add-on modules for interfacing to Curl, GNU dbm,
ODBC, GNU Octave, ImageMagick, Tcl/Tk, XML/XSLT and an Emacs mode.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: q


Name Version Release Type Size Built
q 7.4 1.fc4 ppc 2.44 MiB Wed Aug 30 07:59:14 2006


* Wed Aug 30 18:00:00 2006 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 7.4-1
- new version 7.4
* Tue Jun 13 18:00:00 2006 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 7.1-2
- disable provides for modules
* Mon Jun 12 18:00:00 2006 Gerard Milmeister <gemi{%}bluewin{*}ch> - 7.1-1
- new version 7.1
- use system libtool

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)