Packages not in Groups

xmlrpc-c - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP

XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the
Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it
to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML.

This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C and
License:BSD/PSF -- see COPYING Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: xmlrpc-c


Name Version Release Type Size Built
xmlrpc-c 1.04 1.fc4 ppc 380 KiB Sun Dec 18 13:44:00 2005


* Sun Dec 18 17:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 1.04-1
- added libxml2-devel and openssl-devel Requires: for the -devel
- ship doc/* instead of doc
- initial Fedora Extras package (review 175840)
* Thu Dec 15 17:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 1.04-0.1
- disabled w3c-libwww because it does not exist anymore in FC5 and
  seems to be unmaintained upstream
- added missing libxml2-devel
- cleaned up list of %doc files
- fixed gcc4.1 build issues
- removed static libraries when there exists a corresponding dynamic one
* Tue Aug 2 18:00:00 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico{*}scholz{%}informatik{*}tu-chemnitz{*}de> - 1.03.02-1
- Initial build.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)