- HippoDraw - Interactive and Python scriptable data analysis application
- LabPlot - Data Analysis and Visualization
- Macaulay2 - System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
- PythonCAD - Python scriptable CAD package
- R - A language for data analysis and graphics
- R-BufferedMatrix - A matrix data storage object held in temporary files
- R-RScaLAPACK - An interface to perform parallel computation on linear algebra problems using ScaLAPACK
- R-hdf5 - Interface to the NCSA HDF5 library
- R-mAr - R module to evaluate functions for multivariate AutoRegressive analysis
- R-multcomp - Simultaneous inference for general linear hypotheses R Package
- R-mvtnorm - Multivariate normal and T distribution R Package
- R-systemfit - Simultaneous Equation Estimation R Package
- R-waveslim - R module, Basic wavelet routines for 1,2 and 3-dimensional signal processing
- R-wavethresh - R module, Software to perform wavelet statistics and transforms
- SIBsim4 - Align expressed RNA sequences on a DNA template
- alliance - Alliance VLSI CAD Sytem
- avarice - Program for interfacing the Atmel JTAG ICE to GDB
- avrdude - Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontroller
- cdo - A program for manipulating GRIB/NetCDF/SERVICE/EXTRA files
- drawtiming - A command line tool for generating timing diagrams
- drgeo - Interactive educational geometry software
- drgeo-doc - Html documentation for drgeo
- dx - Open source version of IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
- elph - Tool to find motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences
- extrema - Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool
- fityk - Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
- freehdl - GPLed free VHDL
- g3data - Program for extracting the data from scanned graphs
- galculator - GTK 2 based scientific calculator
- gchempaint - A 2D chemical formulae drawing tool
- gdl - GNU Data Language
- gds2pov - GDS2 layout file to POV-Ray conversion
- geda-docs - Documentation for gEDA
- geda-examples - Circuit examples for gEDA
- geda-gattrib - Attribute editor for gEDA
- geda-gnetlist - Netlister for the gEDA project
- geda-gschem - Electronics schematics editor
- geda-gsymcheck - Symbol checker for electronics schematics editor
- geda-symbols - Electronic symbols for gEDA
- geda-utils - Several utilities for the gEDA project
- genius - An arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floatingpoint calculator
- geomview - Interactive 3D viewing program
- geos - GEOS is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite
- gerbv - Gerber file viewer from the gEDA toolkit
- gimmie - Gnome panel revisited
- glimmer - System for finding genes in microbial DNA
- gnome-chemistry-utils - A set of chemical utilities
- gnucap - The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
- gonvert - Units conversion utility
- gperiodic - Program for browsing the periodic table
- grace - Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool
- grads - Tool for easy acces, manipulation, and visualization of data
- grass - GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
- gresistor - Gnome resistor color code calculator
- gtkwave - Waveform Viewer
- gts - GNU Triangulated Surface Library
- harminv - Program and library for solving the harmonic inversion problem
- hmmer - Profile HMM software for protein sequence analysis
- iozone - Filesystem benchmarking utility
- irsim - Switch-level simulator used even for VLSI
- iverilog - Icarus Verilog is a verilog compiler and simulator
- kalgebra - MathML-based graph calculator
- kicad - Electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork
- kpolynome - A polynome calculation program for KDE
- kst - A data viewing program for KDE
- ktechlab - Development and simulation of microcontrollers and electronic circuits
- lagan - Local, global, and multiple alignment of DNA sequences
- lybniz - A function graph plotter
- magic - A very capable VLSI layout tool
- marble - A KDE Desktop Globe
- maxima - Symbolic Computation Program
- nco - Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
- ncview - A visual browser for netCDF format files
- netcdf - Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form (NetCDF v3)
- netcdf-decoders - Converts WMO GRIB products into NetCDF files
- netgen - LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSI
- ngspice - A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
- octave - A high-level language for numerical computations
- octave-forge - Contributed functions for octave
- ogdi - Open Geographic Datastore Interface
- orpie - A fullscreen console-based RPN calculator
- osiv - Open Source Image Velocimetry
- paraview - Parallel visualization application
- pcb - An interactive printed circuit board editor
- pharosc - VLSI and ASIC Technology Standard Cell Libraries
- plplot - Library of functions for making scientific plots
- polyxmass-bin - The GNU polyxmass software suite
- proj - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- qalculate-gtk - A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qalculate-kde - A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qcad - Simple 2D CAD program
- qfits - A stand-alone general purpose FITS library and command line utilities
- qgis - A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
- qucs - Circuit simulator
- scrip - Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package (SCRIP)
- sdcc - Small Device C Compiler
- seaview - Graphical multiple sequence alignment editor
- sextractor - Extract catalogs of sources from astronomical images
- speedcrunch - A fast power user calculator for KDE
- tachyon - Parallel / Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System
- tcd-utils - TCD (Tide Constituent Database) Utils
- tideEditor - Editor for Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files
- toped - IC Layout Editor
- uisp - Universal In-System Programmer for Atmel AVR and 8051
- wcstools - Software utilities to display and manipulate the WCS of a FITS image
- wgrib - Manipulate, inventory and decode GRIB files
- wise2 - Tools for comparison of biopolymers
- wvs-data - World Vector Shoreline data
- wxMaxima - Graphical user interface for Maxima
- xcircuit - Electronic circuit schematic drawing program
- xdrawchem - 2D chemical structures drawing tool
- xpa - The XPA messaging system
- xtide - Calculate tide all over the world