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BibTool -
A Tool for manipulating BibTeX data bases
PyX -
Python graphics package
asymptote -
Descriptive vector graphics language
bugzilla -
Bug tracking system
cdlabelgen -
Generates frontcards and traycards for inserting in CD jewelcases
chmsee -
A Gtk+2 CHM document viewer
cups-pdf -
Extension for creating pdf-Files with CUPS
djvulibre -
DjVu viewers, encoders, utilities and web browser plugin
drupal -
An open-source content-management platform
fig2ps -
Utility for converting xfig pictures to PS/PDF
fontforge -
Outline and bitmap font editor
gallery2 -
Customizable photo gallery web site
glabels -
A program for creating labels and business cards for GNOME
gnochm -
CHM file viewer
gpp -
GNOME Photo Printer
gscan2pdf -
A GUI for producing a multipage PDF from a scan
gv -
A X front-end for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter
hevea -
LaTeX to HTML translator
htmldoc -
Convert HTML source files into HTML, PostScript, or PDF
ipe -
The Ipe extensible drawing editor
kchmviewer -
CHM viewer with KDE support
kile -
(La)TeX source editor and TeX shell
kover -
WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB support
koverartist -
Create CD/DVD covers
latexmk -
A make-like utility for LaTeX files
lilypond -
A typesetting system for music notation
lilypond-doc -
HTML documentation for LilyPond
lout -
A document formatting system
lyx -
WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor
mftrace -
Utility for converting TeX bitmap fonts to Type 1 or TrueType fonts
mimetex -
Easily embed LaTeX math in web pages
moodle -
A Course Management System
pdfedit -
A complete pdf document editing solution
pdfjam -
Utilities for join, rotate and align PDFs
poster -
Scales PostScript images to span multiple pages
ps2eps -
PS-to-EPS converter
pybliographer -
Framework for working with bibliographic databases
python-kid -
Kid - A simple and pythonic XML template language
t1lib -
PostScript Type 1 font rasterizer
t1utils -
Collection of Type 1 and 2 font manipulation utilities
tetex-IEEEtran -
Official LaTeX class for IEEE transactions journals and conferences
tetex-bytefield -
Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
tetex-dvipost -
LaTeX post filter command to support change bars and overstrike mode
tetex-elsevier -
Elsevier LaTeX style files and documentation
tetex-eurofont -
Provides a command that prints a euro symbol
tetex-font-cm-lgc -
CM-LGC Type1 fonts for LaTeX
tetex-font-kerkis -
Kerkis type 1 fonts for LaTeX
tetex-perltex -
Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
tetex-prosper -
LaTeX class for writing transparencies
tetex-tex4ht -
Translates TeX and LaTeX into HTML or XML+MathML
tetex-unicode -
Unicode support for LaTeX
texmaker -
LaTeX editor
unpaper -
Post-processing of scanned and photocopied book pages
wordpress -
WordPress blogging software
xchm -
A GUI front-end to CHMlib
xpdf -
A PDF file viewer for the X Window System