- JSDoc - Produces javadoc-style documentation from JavaScript sourcefiles
- alleyoop - Graphical front-end to the Valgrind memory checker for x86
- anjuta - Integrated Development Environment
- archmage - Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format
- arm-gp2x-linux-binutils - Cross Compiling GNU binutils targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- asa - Convert Fortran carriage control characters
- astyle - Source code formatter for C-like programming languages
- autobuild-applet - Panel applet for indication of Test-AutoBuild status
- autogen - Sourcecode autogenerator
- avr-binutils - Cross Compiling GNU binutils targeted at avr
- avr-gdb - GDB for (remote) debugging avr binaries
- avr-libc - C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers
- bazaar - A distributed revision control system
- bitbake - BitBake build tool
- bluefish - GTK2 web development application for experienced users
- brandy - Brandy - A BBC BASIC interpreter for Linux
- bsdiff - Binary diff/patch utility
- buildbot - Build/test automation system
- bzr - Friendly distributed version control system
- bzr-gtk - Bazaar plugin for GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operations
- bzrtools - A collection of utilities and plugins for Bazaar-NG
- ccache - C/C++ compiler cache
- chrpath - Modify rpath of compiled programs
- clips - CLIPS language for developing expert systems
- cmake - Cross-platform make system
- codeblocks - An open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
- cogito - The Cogito Version Control System
- cook - File construction tool
- cpanspec - RPM spec file generation utility
- cproto - Generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C code
- crossvc - Graphical CVS Client
- cvs2cl - Generate ChangeLogs from CVS working copies
- cvs2svn - CVS to Subversion Repository Converter
- cvsgraph - CVS/RCS repository grapher
- cvsplot - Collect statistics from CVS controlled files
- cvsps - Patchset tool for CVS
- cvsutils - CVS Utilities
- cvsweb - Web interface for CVS repositories
- darcs - David's advanced revision control system
- doctorj - Java source code analyzer
- dumpasn1 - ASN.1 object dump utility
- eclipse-phpeclipse - PHP Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-quickrex - QuickREx is a regular-expression test Eclipse Plug-In
- epydoc - Automatic API documentation generation tool for Python
- eric - Python IDE
- fakechroot - Gives a fake chroot environment
- fakeroot - Gives a fake root environment
- flasm - Flash bytecode assembler disassembler
- fonttools - A tool to convert True/OpenType fonts to XML and back
- ftnchek - Static analyzer for Fortran 77 programs
- gambas - IDE based on a basic interpreter with object extensions
- ganymed-ssh2 - SSH-2 protocol implementation in pure Java
- gazpacho - Glade Interface Creator
- geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2
- giggle - A Gtk frontend to git
- git - Git core and tools
- global - Source code tag system
- gnome-common - Useful things common to building gnome packages from scratch
- gnustep-make - GNUstep makefile package
- google-perftools - Very fast malloc and performance analysis tools
- gquilt - PyGTK GUI wrapper for quilt
- gtranslator - Gettext po file editor for GNOME
- gxemul - Instruction-level machine emulator
- haddock - Haddock documentation tool for annotated Haskell source code
- happy - The LALR(1) Parser Generator for Haskell
- help2man - Create simple man pages from --help output
- highlight - Universal source code to formatted text converter
- html-xml-utils - A number of simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
- jam - Program construction tool, similar to make
- jlint - Java program checker
- kdesvn - A subversion client for KDE with KIO integration
- kdiff3 - Compare + merge 2 or 3 files or directories
- kodos - Visual regular expression editor
- lcov - LTP GCOV extension code coverage tool
- manedit - UNIX Manual Page Editor
- meld - Visual diff and merge tool
- mercurial - A fast, lightweight distributed source control management system
- mock - Builds packages inside chroots
- mono-debugger - A debugger for Mono
- monodevelop - A full-featured IDE for Mono and Gtk sharp
- monotone - A free, distributed version control system
- nant - NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
- pcsc-tools - Tools to be used with smart cards and PC/SC
- perl-Test-AutoBuild - Framework for performing continuous, unattended, automated software builds
- perltidy - Tool for indenting and reformatting Perl scripts
- pgfouine - PgFouine PostgreSQL log analyzer
- php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer - PHP coding standards enforcement tool
- php-pear-Phlickr - Phlickr is a PHP5 based api kit used with the Flickr API
- pikdev - IDE for development of PICmicro based application (under Linux/KDE)
- piklab - Development environment for applications based on PIC & dsPIC microcontrollers
- pikloops - Code generator for PIC delays
- plague - Distributed build system for RPMs
- presto-utils - Tools for creating presto repositories
- pscan - Limited problem scanner for C source files
- pungi - Distribution compose tool
- pv - A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
- python-cvstoys - Collection of python tools for CVS
- qa-assistant - Graphical quality assurance report generator
- qemu - QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
- qgit - QGit is a git GUI repository browser
- qscintilla - A Scintilla port to Qt
- quilt - Scripts for working with series of patches
- ragel - Finite state machine compiler
- rapidsvn - Graphical interface for the Subversion revision control system
- re2c - Tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
- redet - Regular expression development and execution tool
- rekall - A KDE database front-end application
- rpmdevtools - RPM Development Tools
- rpmlint - Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
- ruby-racc - LALR(1) Parser Generator
- scons - An Open Source software construction tool
- screem - Website development environment
- sloccount - Measures source lines of code (SLOC) in programs
- source-highlight - Produces a document with syntax highlighting
- sparse - A semantic parser of source files
- splint - An implementation of the lint program
- srecord - Manipulate EPROM load files
- stgit - StGIT provides similar functionality to Quilt on top of GIT
- stow - Manage the installation of software packages from source
- subversion-api-docs - Subversion API documentation
- svn2cl - Create a ChangeLog from a Subversion log
- svnkit - Pure Java Subversion client library
- svnmailer - Tool to post subversion repository commit information
- sysconftool - Macros for aclocal to install configuration files
- tcl-thread - Tcl Thread extension
- tclpro - Development and debugging tools for Tcl applications
- tcputils - Utilities for TCP programming in shell-scripts
- thewidgetfactory - A tool for previewing GTK widgets
- tkcon - Tcl GUI console
- tkcvs - TkCVS and TkDiff
- tla - GNU arch revision control system
- tolua++ - A tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
- translate-toolkit - A collection of tools to assist software localization
- treecc - Tree Compiler Compiler
- uncrustify - Reformat Source
- viewvc - Browser interface for CVS and SVN version control repositories
- wxGlade - A wxWidgets/wxPython/wxPerl GUI designer
- xfce4-dev-tools - Xfce developer tools
- yum-presto - Presto plugin for yum
- yum-utils - Utilities based around the yum package manager
- z88dk - A Z80 cross compiler
- zzuf - Transparent application input fuzzer